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grooming feral cat

20 13:56:56

Rescued Setzer
Three years ago
As a kitten
Cold wet barely alive
She would lie in my arms as I sat at the computer for hours
Ate hard cat food from the very start
Setzer has bit me to the bone
Tried to get her immunized
What a traumatic experience that was for the both of us
The local humane society did fix her
They don't want to see us back except to euthanize her
So we know our boundaries
Still we're friends
Problem is hygiene
She is mated from mid spine to her tail
Her hind has fecal matter that is not going away
Can't afford to have a vet to anesthetize her
Veterinarians want to do so more then just take care of the mat and building up of fecal matter
Thought I would try sleeping pills
Most over the counter are just herbal (relaxation I guess)
Can't afford the vet
She lives entirely indoors
Others in the household are not as attached to her as I
I completely agree that the situation is unsanitary (very)
Though she is basically a feral cat
She does not have the skills to survive out side
If I had the extra $200.00 I would
Trick her into a carrying case
Drop her off at the vets
Pick her up when it's all done
Sounds so simple
Don't have extra bucks
Don't want to see her put to sleep
Can't ignore the situation either
Is there a product I can purchase to let her fall to sleep?
Long enough for me to take the electric dog clippers
Clean up her back and hind end
Setzer has thrown herself into the sliding doors to get at a neighbors dog who wandered onto our porch
When raccoons got into the garage Setzer growled louder then our dog
While staring at the back door
Thank god both times she could not get out
In both instances the other animals would have killed her
Though her instincts tell her to attack
She is no match for any of predators in the country
Her place on the food chain is real close to the bottom
Setzer's instincts should say flight not fight
Had she been able to survive for a year outside she might have learned that
Setzer remembers experiences and keeps an attitude for a long while
So I would rather her not associate me with a negative experience
Thank you for taking the time  


NO!!! Do not give her ANY kind of sleeping pills or sedatives. over the counter or prescription. They WILL NOT work. Cats do not have the same makeup as we do and they don't have the same affect. They do NOT make them sleepy or knock them out, only cause liver damage which can result in a slow death.

There is NO WAY to anesthesize a cat EXCEPT by a vet. I've wanted to on occasion too, but I couldn't. Don't even try it!

She sounds like a kitten with a lot of heart and she deserves to be comfortable and happy. Her mats could be making her act aggressively also. They are painful because the pinch the skin up tight underneath. She may also have ulcers of the mouth that make grooming very painful. That is why some cats get mats. She should be checked for those also.

I don't know what area you are in or I could try to find you some help. Try calling some vets in the area and ask them if there are any low cost places that spay and neuter feral cats. Or call a feral rescue organization. Those places know how to handle ferals. You can have them groom your cat but not put them to sleep. Tell them your financial situation and the 'misery' your cat is in and they may be able to work something out with payments. They don't like to do that but some will.

Ferals are usually only attached to one person, so her behavior is typical. They are also biters.

Try to find a way to get your cat 'groomed' for Christmas. She is important!
