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Litterbox help!

20 14:05:11

We have a 4 month old kitten that we found on New Years Eve.  He is a wonderful cat and we love him dearly.  Our problem, is that he will use the litterbox to potty, but not to defecate, he would rather use my bathtub.  We have tried switching litters, litterboxs, Having one litterbox to potty, one to defecate, putting litterbox in the tub (he went beside of it) Filling the tub with water, (he went behind the toilet.)  We are quickly comming to our wits end.  I have small children and do not want them to find Feces all over the place!  Right now he stays in our room and the bathroom. I really dont know how much longer we can do this for!  We keep his litterbox clean, I dont use harsh chemicals or cleaners. I have ruled out any medical problems with the Vet.  I dont know what to do anymore.  Please Help!


Usually the problem is because the cat is upset about something in the home and he is trying to tell you. It may be because of the small children. They may be stressing him or scaring him. Also try a bigger litterbox with deeper litter. Or try some children's play sand one time. You can get it at Home Depot or other building supply store. And put the litterbox in a private area. Some cats don't like to use litterboxes that are in the open.

I am including some good articles about improper elimination that may be of some help to you: (copy and paste or type the whole links into your address bar)

I hope this information helps.