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Cat Phyc

20 13:54:55

I have a Russian blue that is also manx named Addi, she looks a lot like a rabbit. We are pretty sure she was attacked by a bird of prey going by her wounds.

My question is how to help her mentally. Her behavior has changed she won't hardly go out side to use the litter & is going wherever around the house, so we are reintroducing an indoor one. She sleeps so much & just is acting very odd though its been 2 months since the attack.
Do you have any advice on how to help her heal emotionally?

Thank you,
Addi's Mom

Addi's Mom,

It may be a medical issue. If you haven't already, I would take Addi to the vet for blood-work. Her depression may stem from a chemical imbalance, or she may have contracted something from whatever attacked her, or she may have some internal damage.

If a medical problem is ruled out, to help her come out of her depression you need to give her lots of love, attention, kitty treats, and try to get her to play (pet laser lights are excellent) to get her mind off of whatever she is traumatized by.

The vet can also prescribe an anti-depressant for her to see if that helps.
