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Bully Cat in our Home

20 14:05:45

What can I do about a cat of ours that bullies and terrifies the others in our home? We have 7 total as of about 2 years ago, and this one has never been kind to the others, and in fact quite mean. It is so bad sometimes that some of them freak out if they even see her and have even wet themsleves in fear of her. We took in strays we had been feeding a couple of years ago and though their lives are better, hers and ours are not. Any suggestions on what we can do to make her a kinder kitty and to boost the confidence of the others? Our mean "chosen one" kitty is ironically the only one that has been declawed. That was of course before we decided we would never do that to another one again ever.


Sometimes a cat cannot or will not EVER get along, and since you have more than one furry persons happiness riding on this, I think to have harmony and happy cats (including the bully) I would find a new home for Mr. Bully where he can be happy and the others can breathe a sigh of relief.

That is a wise decision NOT to declaw another cat. They cut off the 'fingers' up to the knuckle so the claws don't grow back and some cats have pain the rest of their life. Especially trying to use a litter box or dirt to cover. That may also be a factor in his personality being the way it is. Being in pain (even if a person doesn't realize it) can make a cat grouchy and mean.
