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Cat going out at night

20 13:51:00

I like my cat to go out at night rather than using the litter box but she wants to go out too many times a night and is wakeing me up too often.
I live in an apartment where I can't leave her out all night as there is very little space.
If I don't let her out she will meow and scratch until I do let her out. Can you help?

Hi Ally,
I am not really sure what you need help with, the decision to commit to having a litter box in the home or the decision to commit to allowing access to outdoors at all times.
You have to commit to one of the two.
You can install a cat door with flaps, put an electronic device on her collar so she is the only animal that can open the device to gain access to the place.
Elimination is not often something that can be predicted with cats and it is important she doesnt hold her urine or feces longer than she needs as this will cause other medical problems.
Since you already started letting her out at night and she enjoys it it will be hard for her to adjust to not going out and will probably complain and scratch to get out.
Is it possible to install a cat door? They do have ones that have the electronic device that only opens to your kitty (due to an additional piece installed to collar).
If you keep her in, the litterbox must be kept fastidiously clean and scooped daily.
In order to get through a night's sleep, you need to keep her active during day hours, and she needs to be played with and entertained. If you are not home during the day she will probably sleep which is why she is up all night.
To get her on your schedule, play with her for an hour or so in morning before work, have cat trees, plenty of toys and (although this sounds really tough) she would need to be entertained  with her while you are home at night for several hours.
If tired you can always get one of those light toys that you can sit down but have its little "laser light" aimed at walls. Or you can let her out at night for a few hours she will be entertained and then play with her when she gets home.
It isnt really feasible or fair to expect her to poop or pee the exact same time every day or at will. There are way too many variable to take into consideration, size of bladder, are meals given same time every day, does she eat same amount every single day, constipation, bladder infections, medical issues etc.
also, keeping track of elimination habits is a good diagnostic tool for health. Sometimes if a cat is having problems eliminating you wont know and can create a very bad medical problem.

Good luck,