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Is This Inappropriate Elimination?

20 13:50:59

My neighbor just sent me this email about my FEMALE cat. The cat uses the litter box regularly. I have not observed this behavior or seen evidence of it:

"We have a "pee" problem that's been going on for quite some time. Mark [another neighbor] has seen the stubby tailed one [this identifies the female] peeing on the threshold to his front door too. I watched the cat pee on my front door, and noticed the pee and the smell a few other times. Also many, many times on my back deck (in various spots along the walls and doors), the acid which of course is ruining the finish."

Hi Jim,

Technically no, it is not considered inappropriate elimination but due to not knowing exactly how she is posturing to "pee" we wouldn't know if she is indeed urinating or spraying. Both males and females can spray although much more common in unneutered males. Spraying is often done to claim territory and sometimes because of stress. Sometimes in tact animals use it as a means of communication during mating season. Is your kitty spayed??
But, i guarantee it is most likely because other cats are marking the area as well. If her tail is up and  shaking and she backs up to area, she would be spraying.
Ask your neighbors what her posture looks like? Ask if she is crouching? This would be urinating and not spraying.
Spraying has small amounts of urine but is chemical pheromone thing.

Also, as to be expected neighbors get all worked up about this and blame one cat for this. I can also see that they are using the term "inappropriate elimination" but technically it sounds like spraying.
They are two different things.

If i were you, I would try to keep the peace (as some neighbors can be horribly vindictive and drop off someone's cat at the pound without the owner knowing. I have witnessed this and think it is awful as the fate of the animal's life is uncertain and kitty could be put to sleep.

You can buy them a device called SSScat that is a aerosol that gets activated by motion and will spray kitties when they are close. Maybe they can install one by their porch and one by their deck.
I also am not sure about the spray ruining the finish.
There is also other things they could be smelling like moisture of their own wood, other animals, is there eucalyptus? People often mistake the smell of eucalyptus for animal urine.
I believe your cat is using the box to urinate and who knows if she is spraying certain areas.

A reason why a cat 'urinates' outdoor is could be for two reasons, if the kitty crouches and pees in dirt this is normal. This is how animals do it. We trained them how to use litter boxes.
Also, a more serious situation could be a medical issue or bladder infection which would be important to rule out.
But if this was the case, i think you would also notice her doing inappropriate elimination around the home and sometimes straining or running back and forth to litter box.

I would question your neighbors without revealing your reason for inquiry to figure out if she is urinating or marking, then proceed to the next step. If urinating, a vet visit to rule out medical, if spraying figure out how many other cats are in the area and either way i would buy them some SSScat dispensers with refills.

Good luck,