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Tabbi moving

20 13:55:06

Dear Tabbi,
 Five days ago, my boyfriend and I moved with our two cats from a tiny one bedroom apartment to a small two bedroom house. Both the cats are neutered males and they are two and three years old. We are aware that cats are supposed to be kept indoors for 30 days after relocation, so we have kept them inside. The two year old is fine, but not the three year old. He's okay during the day, but as soon as the sun goes down at nine o'clock he meows incessantly and jumps from window to window to door. It is irritating my other cat and every once in a while he will start fighting him, then it happens more frequently as the night goes on. The meowing continues until six in the morning, we haven't gotten much sleep this week. Sometimes giving him attention helps a little, but other times he is just mad and won't have anything to do with us. will this go away? What can we do to make this better? and do we have to keep the cats separated? Why is he only screaming at night? Does he miss having his old cat door and being able to go in and out?


Cats need to be keep inside for 2 weeks minimum to get used to the new smells, sights, and know that where they are now is home. It doesn't have to be for 30 days.

I would collar train the cats before they go outside and tape your address and phone number on it...just in case. Before you let them out the first time hold the cats and walk around the perimeter of your yard, or area so the cats can look around and get some smells first. Let your cats go exploring the first time BEFORE they are fed. Hunger keeps a cat close to home. Leave the door cracked open and let the cats venture out as they feel comfortable. They rarely go far...but ALWAYS keep an eye on the cats the first few times. Having the door cracked open gives the cats a chance to run back in to safety if there is something 'scary' out there. The cats needs to put their scents around the area so they know that is where home is. They will do that by rubbing on things.  

Always watch for stray cats or dogs that could chase your cats far from home to where they are lost, or possibly injure them. Staying outside with them the first couple times will be reassuring to them. The two cats together should be comforting to each other while exploring their new home.

Your excited cat is probably seeing other cats or wildlife outside that come out at night. Plus neighbor cats will come check them out and that is probably getting your cat wound up because he can't get to them. I would keep all the windows blinds closed at night so the cat can't see outside. Or keep him out of the rooms at night where the windows he goes to are at.

Also, play with him right before you go to bed. A pet laser light is an excellent interactive toy (you can get them at PetSmart, Petco, etc.) A good play session before bedtime will tire him out, which is essential for a good nights sleep for all of you! Then give him a can of catfood (or his big meal) after you play with him, just before you go to bed. That way he will have a full tummy, be tired from playing, and hopefully he will sleep during the night.

When you start letting them outside during the day (keep them in at night because that is the most dangerous time for a cat to be outside) then he should get used to the new routine and settle down when he learns he can't go out at night.

Be patient. Everything is new to the cats with the new home and it will take awhile for them to get into new habits and routines.

I hope this helps.
