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1 year old cat biting 7 week old kitten

20 13:54:45

I have a 1 year old tabby cat named Dallas. The other day I brought home a 7 week old kitten. I am seperating the two cats while I'm not home. When I let them out together the older cat chases the kitten around and roughly bites the kitten on the neck and chest. The kitten doesn't seem to be hurt or cry, but it looks very rough. I'm not sure if this is normal or something I should be concerned about. Also sometimes the older cat is very calm around the kitten and just walks away from it. Any info on this would be extremely helpful.


A 7 week old kitten is too young to be a playmate to a one year old. It cannot defend itself when the older cat plays rough.

You should also have 2 kittens. For one kitten, especially one that is so young, it is too frightening to be in a new place, see new people, new cats, etc. It is probably missing it's mom and littermates too and can get depressed. Having 2 kittens, they give each other comfort and they can play kitty games with each other and snuggle with each other for companionship.

A kitten should be left with it's mother until it is 8-12 weeks old. That is when the mother teaches the kittens 'life skills' and correct behavior.

Also is your 1 year old cat fixed? If not he may see the kitten as a 'sexual toy', hence the biting on the neck.
