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22 yr old cat in pain

20 13:58:41

I am sure my cat is dying.  She won't stop woewing about every 20 minutes.  You go and pet her and she purrs and settles down for the next 20 minutes.  She can barely walk and is in obviuos pain.  The Vet says she needs to be put down or sedated.  I feel both of these are far to extreme.  She needs to be able to eat and drink, etc. or she will die.  What can I do to ease her pain for the short time she has left in our lives?


I'm sorry about your kitty. At 22 she is well over 110 years old.

I would find a vet that specifically deals in geriatric cat care and conditions (not all vets do). They have "comfort meds" that can make a cat comfortable in his/her last days.

I have gone both ways, letting a cat live that still has the will to live and watched it slowly die, which is hard. I've also had them put to sleep so they didn't suffer, and I always wondered if I did the right thing. It isn't an easy decision either way.

I think now I would call a mobile vet if I had to have a cat put to sleep so the cat would be home and no stress would be added to the poor cat that he would get by traveling and the vet's office where they can smell things unpleasant.
