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Cat Pooping our my deck

20 13:57:37

My cat Sasha has recently started to poop on my deck under our table and chairs (near the cat food).  We recently rescued a young male cat - Ginger - who now lives with us.  Ginger sometimes chases Sasha around for fun and Sasha is not amused and fights with Ginger (which Ginger loves).  I suspect this is why Sasha's pooping.  I'm sick of cleaning up!!  Any suggestions to stop this please...


Sasha is VERY upset! Her pooping is her way of telling you. If it continues Sasha may leave home, develop a personality change (not to the better), or start having emotional problems.

If there is a big age difference then you should get a cat about Ginger's age (let me guess, he's orange! smile) to chase and play kitty games with. If Ginger is not neutered then that can be part of the behavior problem.

Did you do the introduction process in the correct way? If not you may need to start the introduction process from the beginning, just like they never have met. It may take a while since there has been negative experiences between them. It SHOULD work out with a lot of love, patience, and time. They may never like each other, but you can hope for acceptance. There are times though that two cats will not ever get along no matter how hard you try, but that is rare.

I am attaching a couple of links on how to go about the introduction process:
(copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar)

Also here is an excellent article on intercat conflicts that you may find helpful and informative:

You can try the introduction process, or you can try to re-home
Ginger. Are your cats indoor/outdoor? Sometimes it helps by keeping one in and putting the other one out, then vice-versa.

There is a very popular cat calming spray and plug-in you can use called Feliway. It is available at pet stores, from a vet's office (they use it too),  or on-line. It copies relaxing pheromones that cats produce from rubbing their faces on things. There is also a calming product that you can add to your cat's food or water that reduces anxiety called Bach's Rescue Remedy. It is available on-line and in health food stores. Here is a link about it:
(copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar)

If your cat is still stressed and the behavior continues, the vet can put Sasha on "kitty Prozac" for a short term (usually 2 weeks). It is very popular for calming cats with stress and emotional problems. You may want to speak to your vet about it.

TIPS: Feed both cats yummy cat treats (like tuna or pieces of raw steak) TOGETHER. That is so they will associate each other with something pleasant.

Getting a pet laser light (at PetSmart, etc.) is great for interaction between the two cats. They both can chase the 'little red bug' on the floor, ceilings, and walls, and they tend to forget about the other cat as they focus on the 'bug' which helps them get used to each other. It will get rid of some of Ginger's excess energy too.

I don't know if I helped or confused you! Hopefully this gives you some food for thought and avenues to explore to get things to work out. It takes time, patience, and love.
