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Laser Pointer

20 13:52:46

Dear Tabbi,

I play with my cat with a laser pointer from time to time. I can get him to run all over the apartment, jump on furniture - it looks like great exercise.

My cat has the longest attention span I've ever seen. After I turn the laser off - he keeps looking for it, for maybe another hour. Is this cruel? Is it good to get him this exercise and stimulate his brain while he hunts for the elusive red dot - or is this just teasing him?


All my cats love the laser light, and they too will look for the 'red bug' for a long time. I try to end it at the door or a window so they might think it went outside and is gone.

You can also get the cat to associate a word like "bug dead" or "no more bug" (or something similar, but using the same term each time) when you are through playing. Cats don't have any reasoning ability but they do go by word association. It may take a while for the cat to associate your words with the light being gone, but eventually he will and hopefully will stop searching for it.

If your cat goes outside, it is also fun to use the laser light outside at night. With fresh batteries it can shine a long distance, and in a wider area. It is fun to watch the cats run big circles on the lawn or up and down a walkway, etc.

Always be careful though not to shine the laser in their can burn the retina.
