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Moved to new home...

20 14:04:32

Hi..first Ill fill ya in on my baby :)
I have a male (neutered) cat that will be 3 next month. I got him as a kitten and was living with my mom, and although spent the majority of time inside, went outside as well.Usually at night time, he would cry by the door-we'd let him out, later he would come back in. We had another older female cat that he would often interact with. We often joked he "molested" her because she often would go uninterested in him but he looooved to play and attack her. Well I recently moved into an apartment in the city, and it goes without saying that he wont be going outside on the streets. I do however have a balcony. He has adjusted well, I think.. spent a few days under the bed, but now regularly is out, playing with toys, siting/laying around living room and interacting with me and people.
So now for my question...I wanted him to get used to the smells, etc.. of outside so I leave the screen door open for him to venture to the balcony. He often sits at the screen when closed, but when I open it..he will scamper away.Ill go onto the balcony sometime and call him, he will hesitantly come out, but eventually will just run off. When I have tried to pick him up, he freaks and will jump outta my hands and into the house(usually under bed for a few minutes).More recently, he has been sitting at the front door, and more often within the past few days meows as if he wants to go out. So this morning, I open the door and sort of did the same thing as the balcony, let him kind of creep, but he just runs away. I bought a harness/leash... with the hopes of maybe letting him cruise around the outside, but know that will take lots of work to get him comfortable with new surroundings. He's not uncomfortable in the harness,as he always wears a collar, and walks around freely with it on. So mainly, my question is...Is there a way to get him more comfortable/used to going onto balcony so he cant get acquainted to sounds/smells of the new city?? How should I handle him crying at front door? And is there a way to get him easily used to using the leash??


It will just take time for him to become used to the new home. Don't force him. Let him investigate as much as he feels comfortable doing.

Cats don't have reasoning ability so they basically go by routine and habits. He meows at the front door because he thinks that it will still be his old home when you open the door. All he knows is a door opens into his old familiar home. He doesn't understand different doors open to different places. It will be confusing for him at first and the new noises and smells will be 'scary'. He runs back inside because that is where he feels the safest.

Here is an excellent how-to article on leash/harness training: (copy and paste, or type the whole link into your address browswer)

Just be patient with him and everything will be fine. With love, patience, and reassurances cats adapt to new surroundings fairly quickly. They just have to get used to the new smells and noises and feel comfortable enough to get adventurous.
