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I dont understand my cat

20 14:06:55


My cat's behaviour has changed recently.
She is cute lovable but not really friendly, doesn't like to be touched, moody, never comes to you when you call her, rarely plays.

that is her usual habit

However, she has changed recently; became friendly, meowing in a strange way as if she is calling me, she will meow then walk to my room while making sure that I'm following her, then she will just lie on the carpet as if asking me to pat her, then I pat her.

I'm wondering what is the reason for this change in her behaviour? I'm really worried about her.

here is some information about her

age: 18 months
Breed: Norwegian
not yet spayed,
nothing changed at home
She is the only pet we have

by the way; this behaviour change happened few months back and lasted for about weeks.

Please let me know about this behaviour change.

Many thanks,
dr.Fayza Al-Ali

Hello Fayza,

It sounds like your cat is in heat, this sounds like very typical behavior although it is very odd that it hasn't happened before now but no unheard of.

You will need to get her spayed soon or risk a very serious uterine infection called pyometra, it can be life threatening.  Females that cycle often without mating will surely develop it.
