Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Male Cat in Heat

Male Cat in Heat

20 13:56:14

Hello, I have a male cat who is in heat I am assuming, because he goes around the house making loud noises, He is spraying everywhere in the house, and has been peeing in the house sometimes instead of his liter box. Somes he even pees in the same spot after I clean up after him. Is this normal behavior for a male cat in heat. I appreciate your help. Thanks,


Yes that is normal behavior caused by Mother Nature. Please get him neutered as soon as possible before he drives you (and himself) crazy.

Male cats, even indoor cats, can smell a female in heat up to a block away! He also probably smells, or sees, other tomcats that he can't get to to defend his territory so he is marking his territory inside.

There are many low cost spay and neuter clinics available. Check with the local SPCA, Animal Control, etc. for some locations. Or Google LOW COST SPAY AND NEUTER CLINICS then put in the name of the city you live in, or nearest city. You should get a list of any in your area.

He will be a much better, settled pet when you get him fixed. And you will (after about a month to get out of his system) get rid of that horrible 'tomcat smell' of his urine.
