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cat scared of furnace

20 13:57:10

please help! Just recently I have turned on my gas furnace, first time in months due to a warm spring/summer.  As soon as it starts to flow through the vents my cat starts meowing and gets extremely agitated and wants out. I have installed a carbon monoxide detector to rule out any poison in the air, the levels are 0.  What do you think could be the problem.


The cat will get used to it. It is a new noise that frightens the cat but he will adapt to it when he finds out nothing horrible will happen to him when it goes on. My cats did that at first with the air conditioner. It is the same with a vacuum cleaner. It is a normal reaction. After it happens a few times he won't pay any attention to it. Don't let him outside when the furnace comes on so he gets used to it and can't run from it.
