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Scratching Wallpaper

20 13:49:14

Hi, I have 5 cats and a problem with the youngest Lily,age 2.5. We keep the back door open till late but when we close it Lily persists in scratching wallpaper by front door (to tell us she wants to go out) We need to re-paper and I need to know asap how i can stop her doing this with the new wallpaper

I'm not going to lie, but it's going to be difficult as she is used to and prefers the idea of being to go out when she wants to. How long have you had her and have you always been dealing with this or is it a sudden issue?

There are things you can try to deter her from scratching including using a bitter spray to spray on the wallpaper or having a spray bottle on hand to use when you catch her. I would encourage the use of distractive toys or anything noisy to give her something else to do to keep her mind of the urge to scratch the area. You can always find some to put in front of the area that will prevent her from coming into contact with the wallpaper.