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After Heat Will Cat Revert ....

20 13:49:12

One of our kitties born May 5, 2012 so about 6 months old, has been fairly aloof, and now is accepting and wanting attention more than ever. Coincidentally we just "lost" one of her siblings which may or may not have anything to do with it. If this behavior change is due to her being in heat, and we give her all the loves an snuggles she could ever want, will she revert to being on the aloof side when her heat is over, or when we get her spayed?


When a female is in heat, she will experience behavior changes including being more "needy" and craving attention. I recommend having her spayed as soon as possible, in addition for the reason as to not having any unaccepted litters as well as stray intact males around that will begin to "mark" and cause other unwanted problems.