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My kitten has her claws out all the time

20 13:57:15

Dear Katje,
My kitten is 8 weeks old now; i got her when she was 6 weeks old. She is a beautiful cat. She white as snow and has two different colour eyes (blue and green). The only problem I have is that she constantly has her claws out. I have scratches all over my body. All she wants to do is scratch and bite me. Please tell me what to do. I really have to put a stop to this.
I appreciate any advice I can get from you.


The expert you asked this question of is not available. I am trying to get her questions answered so I'm sorry about the delay.

Your kitten was taken from the mother pretty young. From 8 weeks to 12 weeks is when the mother teaches the kittens about acceptable behavior and the 'ways of life'.

Being a young kitten, she may not have learned yet how to retract her claws. Do NOT play with her with your hands. That is inviting her to bite and scratch. Only use your hands to pet her and use dangle toys, pull toys, pet laser lights, etc. to play with her.

She is also trying to play with you like she would another kitten. A kitten that age needs a kitty friend to play kitty games with, roughhouse with, chase, etc. that humans can' do. You should always get 2 kittens instead of one. A kitten needs the comfort and companionship of another kitten, especially when they are alone. Two kittens are easier to care for because they keep each other amused which takes the pressure off of you to always be giving them attention.

Here is a website that shows with photos how to trim a cat's claws:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into the address bar)

Be careful trimming such tiny claws, but get her used to you doing it early. It will make it easier later on. Don't EVER get the blood vessel or she will be afraid for life of claws being trimmed because it is VERY painful. If it's easier, just trim/dull the very tip that is sharp instead of very far up.

I hope this helps.
