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strange male cat behaviors

20 13:55:42


My boyfriend's family has several cats. The oldest is Cara (F), the next oldest is Phantom (M), then Chester (M) and Gus (M) and Cao (F), who ware part of the same litter. All these cats are Cara's offspring. Gus and Cao are almost 6 months old and Chester is almost a year. (As soon as as a litter is grown she gets pregnant and has another litter.) They really have no idea who the father's of all these cats are. They think they are a combo of random cats around the neighborhood and of her own male children. Phantom is a product of Cara and her brother, Ska, who is no longer around.

With that said, my question is in regards to male cat feeding behaviors. Recently, we've noticed that Gus has started to try to nurse off of Chester.

Is this some kind of inbred behavior? How can it be stopped?


You MUST get these cats spayed and neutered, especially Cara! These days, with so many free and low cost spay/neuter clinics available, there is no excuse NOT to do it. Your boyfriend's cats will be better pets. Inbreeding can cause serious health, physical, and emotional problems. Plus, the extra cost of cat food, etc. for the litters of kittens that you will save will pay for the spaying!

You can Google LOW COST SPAY CLINICS and the name of your city to see what is available, or call the SPCA or Animal Control and ask them for the names and locations of low cost or free spay/neuter programs in your area.

Cats do not know that another cat is a brother, sister, mother, father, etc. because cats (and other animals) do not have any concept of 'family' after kittens are weaned which is why there is incest and inbreeding. Cats react to 'Mother Nature' and it doesn't matter to the who they are reacting to.

As for the kitten trying to nurse, it is mostly likely a comfort thing to the kitten. If Chester is letting Gus nurse then it is a comfort action to Chester also. It is a harmless behavior and it will stop on it's own. I would suggest giving Gus more attention and affection. Some cats are needier of it than others.

I hope this helps, and I hope your boyfriend will get his cats fixed.
