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unusual habit

20 13:49:45

I got a kitten a couple of weeks ago, I don't even know if it is a male or female, but it is obsessed with wanting to lick someone's neck especially at night when I am laying in bed, it will also nudge it's nose while doing this. How do I get it to stop.  

First of all, where did you get it from that you couldn't find out if it's a boy or girl? And how old is it? Kittens will do this when they are away from their mother before they are ready. It's their way of "nursing." There is no quick and easy solution for this, either. I think what would be best is making an area just for the kitten, whether it be a crate or its own room. Keep a stuffed toy with it to give it the feel that its mom is there. Place food and water and litter as well. If it only does this at night, go ahead and keep it in there for the night. If it's doing this throughout the day, just give it a toy or even a treat to distract it from wanting to lick you. It's purely doing this for attention that it would be getting from it's mom. So don't get angry or annoyed with it, just help it along the way and it will grow out of it. It's okay to just accept it as well.