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cats urinating

20 14:08:03

Hi Rosie,I have a 2 yr old female, unspade and undeclawed. She has been urinating on clothes, carpets and blankets in our upstairs only. Why is she doing this ? My husband is threatening to take her to a shelter!

Hello Angela,

My first and only advice for now, since it is a sure-fire remedy...get your kitty fixed.  It will handle so many different behavioural problems you might be encountering, and it's very important for your kitty's health.  

This way anything that would stem from her being full or hormones and reacting accordingly (and probably every sort of behavioural problem you've been having with her) will be handled, and your husband will be a happy man.

Not only that, but if she were to get out for some reason (female kitties in heat get VERY driven to escape the household to mate), you don't wind up with a surprise litter, or worse, if you aren't able to find her, contributing to an alarming amount of unwanted stray (and possibly feral) kitties to the neighborhood and surrounding areas.

She'll be much happier, peaceful, and MUCH more content if you get her spayed.  If it's a financial issue, there are MANY places that will do it at a very low cost (shelters, animal control, etc.) if not for free, so research online and call around.  I recommend calling animal control for your area.  They'll most likely have a list right there to give you of people you can call, if not offer to do it free-of-charge!  :o)

Let me know how things go, okay?

Hugs to you all!


P.S.  Just to let you know...I would give you other advice, but given that her behaviour is hormone-driven, NO other action would curb the behaviour.  It's something she cannot help in her hormonal state, and that's literally the bottom-line.  :o)