Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > 4-5 week old kitten hasnt deficated

4-5 week old kitten hasnt deficated

20 14:08:04

I was given a kitten yesterday. I am not sure of the sex.I was told it is 5 weeks.  I have yet to see it have a bm.  I have been trying to stimulate it but it is only urinating.  Should i rub in am up or downward motion?  am i hurting it? please help :(

Hello Christin,

My best, and most immediate and urgent advice is to take your kitten in to see the vet as soon as possible!!  If your kitten has been having bowel movements, there could be something quite seriously wrong.  Age plays no factor in bowel movements...they should happen at every age, no exceptions.  

Please make him/her a vet appointment ASAP!!  You really cannot take any chances with something like this...and it must be handled on an emergency basis.

Please let me know how things turn out, okay?  I will worry about your baby until I know how things went.  :o(

Hugs to you both!!
