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covering poop

20 14:06:53

My girlfriend has a cat that will soon be my cat too as she is moving in with me. But there is a problem. When her cat was a kitten her first owner had one of those automatic scoopers. So the cat would go and have to jump right out because it would start scooping. Having this machine never taught her how to cover her poop. I was just wondering if you could teach a grown cat how to start covering her poop if she never did before? And if not, is there anyway to get it to stop smelling so bad? Because this cat has some nuclear smelling poo compared to other cats i have met. I appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

Hi Sarah.

The first thing you need to do is change her diet. That is the usual cause for thr strong odor. Feed her a high quality dry food like Iams, etc. Leave a bowl full always available. That way they don't pig out when they do get food. Feed her canned also if she is used to eating it,  but not too much with fish in it.

I would get a bigger litterbox and put lots of litter in it. That might get her to dig. And when she finally catches on that nothing is going to turn on she might take her time. She needs to be re-programed because cats instinctively cover their business. Also add baking soda when you put fresh litter helps.
