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My Cat Pees

20 14:05:01

Okay sorry its me again and i read your questions and now i have some things to add. He is neutered and declawed. but he goes poo in the litter box but he pees outside the litter box. sooo.... i have no idea why. ????? any help???


Addition to my previous answer:

If the cat is declawed that could be part of the problem. Some declawed cats have a lifetime of problems and pain caused by declawing. The procedure invovles cutting off their 'fingers' up to the knuckle so the claw doesn't grow back. Some cats have problems with nerve endings and digging in the litterbox is very painful. It is like digging in the dirt with stubs for fingers. If you have the cat examined, have the vet check is paws for infection or problems.

I don't mean to sound harsh in either of my answers, but you do need to have patience with the poor kitty. He may not be able to help what he is doing and being severely punished will only confuse him and make him scared of you, it won't stop him from doing it. You need to find the reason.
