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male cat problem

20 13:56:28

Dear Tabbi-
I am hoping you can help save me from a decision I don't want to have to make: my male can't whom I have had for about 4 years now no longer allows my husband or I to sleep at night. At about 3 a.m. he cries, I have tried spraying him with water, giving him food, letting him play on the patio but all he does is cry if I put him in another room. I recently took in a 4 month old female kitten (both are fixed) hoping that some cat company might alleviate whatever it is that makes him cry. She will sleep most of the night until he starts howling, I am not sure what I can do since I love my cat and don't want to get rid of him but my husband & I are running on minimal sleep and this has been an issue for the last several months, he is about had it. I absolutely refuse to put him in an animal shelter, I am hoping there is a solution to make him less irritable at night. Any suggestions would be great. Sincerely - Lesle


Is the cat white? Can the cat be deaf? Or have gone deaf? A cat that is deaf will cry at night because he can't feel vibrations from that people make when they are awake and he gets confused. A cat will cry when he is pain also. Any sudden behavior change that you notice you should take him to the vet for a checkup to make sure it is not a medical issue causing his crying.

Actually his actions are a common behavior problem. As long as you are sure it is not a medical reason causing his behavior, you need to change your routine with the cat and get him used to a new one.

Play with him right before you go to bed. A pet laser light is an excellent interactive toy (you can get them at PetSmart, Petco, etc.)  A good play session before bedtime will tire him out, which is essential for a good nights sleep for you both!  

Give the cat a can of catfood (or his big meal) after you play with him, just before you go to bed. That way he will have a full tummy, be tired from playing and will sleep longer (hopefully!)

Leaving a bowl of dry food out at night will help too. If he gets the munchies, he won't have to try to wake you and it will tide him over until you get up.

The way to stop him waking you up is to ignore him. COMPLETELY! It is very difficult and annoying, but you can not acknowledge his actions in ANY. He will EVENTUALLY stop when he doesn't get any reaction or attention from you. You have to be consistent though. If you even react once to him, then it won't work and it will be worse because the cat will know if he does it long enough eventually you WILL react, so he will keep it up longer.

DO NOT punish the cat.  He is only trying to get your attention and tell you his needs the only way he knows how. If some behavior got your attention before, then that is how he will do it again...and again.

I hope this helps you get a good nights sleep.
