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sibling fighting

20 13:56:28

Two brothers from same litter raised together-both neutered. One has been exhibiting increasing hostility to his brother. Frequent attacks while in the house and stalking followed by attack outside. we have tried herbs and seperating them when they fight.


When cats are weaned they no longer know other cats as brothers and sisters, they just recognize their smell. Cats have no concept of family as we know it. That is why there is incest among cats and other animals.

It is not uncommon for brothers to act like that. Usually one is the dominant one and the head of the pecking order and the other(s) goes along with it. But sometimes you get both that are trying for the dominant position, and that is when you have problems. Sometimes one of the cats will even leave.

Here is a good article to read about 'bully' cats:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar)

A couple of suggestions:

Try feeding them special kitty treats together. Something like tuna or tinned sardines in oil. That helps them to associate each other with something pleasant.

Get a pet laser light from PetSmart, Petco, etc. It is great for interactive play that lets them play together but takes their minds off of each other.

I would tend to say let them fight it out. Spats are a form of kitty communication. Just watch to make sure that major fur isn't flying or blood is being shed. If it is, then you may need to re-home one of the cats to preserve the peace. Or you may want to let them outside one at a time.

There is a calming product that you can add to the cat's food or water that reduces aggression called Bach's Rescue Remedy. It is available on-line and in health food stores (people use it too).
For most behavioral problems, you can give 3 to 4 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks, or add a dropper full to their drinking water every day until no further signs of distress are present. There is no improper or wrong method of applying the Bach Remedies. It is not necessary to be precise in counting the number of drops. You cannot overdose the Bach's Remedies, they are non-toxic and have no side effects, and it will not adversely affect any other animals in the household. It is fine to put the remedy in a common water dish. You can treat  multiple animals this way. The Bach Flowers work through a principle of resonance; if the animal needs the remedy, the remedy will act.  Here are a couple of links about Bach's for more information:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole links into your address bar)

I hope this helps.
