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tabby aggressive

20 13:53:59

Hi,my male cat jasper is 7 years of age and has always sat on my lap and enjoyed me stroking him i am a female  by the way! We have just brought another kitten into the house who is also female.
My older male cat still jumps onto my lap for a stroke but then will start growling a on 2 occasions go to nip my hand,he has never done this before.I always show him his dinner first,and make just as much fuss of him as before,and if anything the new female cat has adopted my husband as her soul mate,so have you any tips on how to curb this,i put him down as soon as he does this,but its upsetting after so many years of loving from my cat thank you, julie


great for introduction

Jasper's reaction is normal. You've got a lot of issues going on at once!

Jasper is approximately 44 years old in human years and you have just brought a 'teenager'/'child' home to be a friend for him.

Did you do the introduction process correctly? It takes about 2 weeks to a month for things to smooth out, IF they are going to. You cannot put a new cat/kitten in with a resident cat and expect them to get along. That RARELY happens!  Introductions need to be done slowly. You can not rush them together or you will have behavior problems.

I am attaching 2 links as guides on how to go about the introduction process in the correct manner. Copy and paste, or type, the whole links into your address bar)

Once the cats can be together without fighting or freaking out feed the cats yummy cat treats periodically (like tuna, tinned sardines (in oil) or pieces of raw steak, etc.) TOGETHER. That is so the cats will associate each other with something pleasant. Also getting a pet laser light (at PetSmart, Petco, etc.) is great for interaction between the cats. They can chase the 'little red bug' on the floor, ceilings, and walls, and they tend to forget about the other cats as they focus on the 'bug' which helps them get used to each other (and you).

There is a calming product that you can add to the cat's food or water that reduces anxiety called Bach's Rescue Remedy. It is available on-line and in health food stores. Here is a link about it:

I use a big dog crate for a new cat. It has room for a litterbox, food and water, small cat carrier without the door for a bed, to hide in, and to get up on, and they still have room. That way they can get used to other cat(s) around, and other cat(s) can sniff and check them out safely, and a new cat is not locked up by itself in a room which can be more frightening and confusing for it. You can gradually let one cat/kitten out for short periods of time as they start getting used to each other, and switch cats to let the new kitten explore. I got mine at Petco. I am attaching a picture of it.

Another issue I see here is that you only adopted ONE kitten. With an older resident cat, especially a male, you should have TWO kittens. The reasons are varied. Most male cats do not like kittens until they have grown up. Older cats usually do not care for kittens because of their energy level and the fact that they ruin an older cat's routine and peace. A kitten, if it is healthy, will have lots of energy and will like to play a lot. When the only other playmate for the kitten is an older cat she will try to play with him as she would another with another kitten. That causes problems. For the older cat...and for the kitten, who gets confused and can get depressed and lose heart because the older cat won't play and will growl at her.

When you have 2 kittens they play together with rough-house kitty play, chase each other, and play normal kitty games, and then snuggle together for comfort and companionship. They tend to leave the older cat alone more. That relieves the older cat if he is not interested in playing, but leaves the option open if he does.

Growling, slaps, and hisses are nothing to worry about. They are just "kitty communication". That is the way the older cat tells the younger cat to keep her distance, what the rules of "his house" are, etc.

The best you can probably hope for is that the older cat accepts the kitten...even though they may never be 'friends', which is really not fair to a happy, lively kitten who WANTS to be friends and playmates. When you get a friend for a resident cat it should be one close in age and temperament. A single kitten is not a good choice, even though it is a very nice gesture by you.

As the kitten grows and gets more secure and self-confident she may intensify annoying behavior towards your older cat out of boredom or to expend energy. That may cause the older cat to become stressed or it cause behavior problems (like inappropriate elimination). Or it can cause the older cat to be aggressive towards the younger cat, and YOU, out of frustration and stress.

It may work out OK, but you may want to think about getting another kitten about your new kitten's age and temperament, or ideally, a littermate(brother or sister of your kitten). Your first priority is the health and happiness of Jasper!
