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VERY vocal Bengal cat...

20 13:58:57


Sweet Leo
Hello!  My family adopted a 4-year-old "pure" F4, male, Bengal cat a few months ago.  We absolutely adore him, however, he is so vocal!  I did quite a lot of research on the breed before we adopted ours, and I understood they could get very noisy, but I had NO IDEA it would be like this!  He cries constantly all night long.  We live in a small house and he is waking up everyone, including my 2 toddlers, which is driving me crazy.  I can't handle losing sleep again as my children have finally started sleeping through the night.  He acts like he wants to go outside, however this is not an option as I'm afraid he would get hurt, or stolen.  

I have tried everything; playing with him before bed, giving him a high protein meal before we sleep, catnip, water squirting, toys galore, LOTS OF LOVE....PLEASE HELP!!  I don't want to have to get rid of him as we all really love him, if we could just fix this problem he would be a perfect fit!  

One other quirk about him is he will only drink out of water faucets (either in the kitchen or bathroom).  I've tried buying him a fancy water flowing fountain for cats, and he didn't care for it in the slightest....Any advice for this as well would be greatly appreciated!!


Dear Amanda,

Outside never has to be an option. If he keeps crying, there are a few possible facts. He probably is asking for something. He may be asking for more attention, or affection, although you love him before sleep time. He may be asking for more food. Some cats ask "Hey, where are going and why aren't you playing?". I would help further, but you know his personality more than I do, so try to undertsnad him. About the water drinking habit. Bengal Tigers love water, and are actually the only cats that can swim and since your Bengal cat is a major cousin to the tiger, he will love water to, except he won't swim obviously, so try to get him to notice the water dish. Best of luck.

From Laiya