Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > our russian blues arent getting along..... HELP!!!!!!

our russian blues arent getting along..... HELP!!!!!!

20 13:58:57

Well, I always knew that anyone i was to take seriously, would have to get along with my cat, famously. Until now, we've been on our own for a few years, after my husband died. So, I meet the man of my dreams, am laughing again,but, get this, we BOTH have Russian Blues, Seven yrs old, and nutered. We moved into my fiances place  about a month ago, and have tried gradually to integrated them. We isolated for the first week, then the second, the house cat, started hissing at mine. He put up with this for a few days, but now, is always on the attack! He has his claws, while the other doesn"t, so that's a concern. I've tried Rescue Remedy, and they will go to the vets this weekend........ any thoughts, anybody........?????????


A seven year old cat is 44 years old in human years. At that age they don't take stress as well as a younger cat would so the introduction process may take a month or more. They may never be friends but you can hope for acceptance.

Here are some links on how to do the introductions. You can't rush it or you will have behavior problems that are going to be hard to correct. They may not all pertain to your situation but you can use them as guides: (copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar)

Once they can be together without fighting feed both cats yummy cat treats (like tuna or pieces of raw steak) TOGETHER. That is so the cats will associate each other with something pleasant.

Also getting a pet laser light (at PetSmart, etc.) is great for interaction between the two cats. They both can chase the 'little red bug' on the floor, ceilings, and walls, and they tend to forget about the other cat as they focus on the 'bug' which helps them get used to each other.

It just takes time and lots of patience.
