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My female cat is still nesting, even though shes fixed

20 14:07:05

my cat, carmel has had 2 litters of kittens. The first litter of kittens  she took
care of, but the second one she didnt take care of because she had severe
post-partum depression, she lost 4 kittens because she didnt feed any of
them. We took over for her, and when we gave her kittens away, we showed
her. She nests things around the house (oven mitts, newspaper parts, socks,
mittens, etc) and makes a horrible whining sound when she does it. She
whispers while she meows (its quite cute!) but when she nests, she gets really

She has really obsessive behaviour, she rubs against all the family members,
and drills us until we give her affection, she is severly annoying.

What can we do to break her nesting and obsssesive behaviour?

Hello Arden,

This is a kitty looking for affection, I realize it can be annoying but the only way to deal with this part of your problem is to be just as stubborn as she is when she wants pets.  Either give them to her or put her down, you will have to do it about 100 times before she gets the hint (I know I have several of these lap fungus types) but she will eventually.  It will however start up all over again the next time she wants some pets.  This is very normal behavior for a cat that loves her people.

As for the nesting it is possible that she still has some of the hormones in a higher amount than the usual spay.  How long has it been since she was spayed?  It can sometimes take quite a long time for the hormones to dissapate.  It sounds almost as though she is in heat from the description of the sound?  This is entirely possible if she has not been spayed for very long.
