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Whining Cat - Addicted to new diet Wet food

20 13:59:12


about 3 months ago, my 5 yr old male cat had an emergency operation, his urethra was blocked. I was told to switch from dry food to  the doctors prescribed wet food. Ever since then, my cat has been whining for food all day all night...he will bite my toe to wake me up at 2:00 in the morning, and wake me up at 6 AM for more food. I do not give into him all the time. We have been trying to squirt him with water bottle, but he just runs away and whines from a farther distance. I feed him about 1.5 - 2 cans a day. I cant take it anymore...after he eats sometimes he whines for more immediately thereafter. What do I do??

Dear Danielle,

Soft food is the cats all time favorite. Your cat has it's own individual personality, so I don't know what you could do to make him stop. I would recommend food to give him, like treats, but I don't know if this is good or bad for him due to his operation. I highly suggest you ask his veterinarian, I'm sure they'll have an explanation. Good luck.

- Laiya