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New feral kitten loves our other cats....

20 14:04:45

...but doesn't like us! He's about 5 months old and adopted from a shelter/foster home. He loves our 2 other cats, ages 3 and 4 years but when it comes to us, he could care less! He's not scared. He'll even sit pretty closed to us if we're not paying attention to him. But as soon as we try to pet him he's gone to the other side of the room. Could this just be his personality or is this common behavior of a feral kitten getting used to his environment? We've had him about 3 months.


That is the typical behavior and personality of a feral kitten. They do not trust humans completely. He will eventually let you pet him, and he will sit close to you, but more than likely he will never want to be held and cuddled. It may take months of patience, love and attention for the feral kitten to become comfortable.

It is good to ignore him at times so he feels comfortable enough to come and check you out. He will also watch how the other cats behave with you and may copy them. Ferals are usually one-person cats. Also don't ever look the cat directly in the eyes. That is a threatening gesture to them.

Playing with a pet laser light (from PetSmart, Petco, etc) is great for interactive play with the feral, you, and the other cats. It will help build his confidence and help him bond.

I hope this helps.