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cat running out door

20 14:04:24

Dear Tabbi:  My cat runs out the door of my apartment and down the stairs when I open the door.  How can I stop her from doing this?


Is your cat spayed? That would be the major part of the problem if she is not because this is mating season.

Otherwise, your cat is probably bored and wants to get outside to explore and play. I would try harness training her and taking her outside for periods of time. Here is an excellent site to teach you how:

Or you can collar train her, put your address and phone number on it and let her go outside (with you watching her). It will make her more well-adjusted mentally.

If you don't want her to run out the door, keep a folded newspaper by the door and scare her away from the door by slapping it against your leg or a table. Some cats are VERY determined though. I have one that I watch when I go out the door, backing up so I can make sure he doesn't get out, close the door and turn around and there he is...outside!

A kitty condo placed in front of a window helps the cat's boredom. So does a kitty friend who can play with your cat, keep her company when she is alone, and to cuddle with.
