Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > My male has taken to going out for longer and longer

My male has taken to going out for longer and longer

20 13:55:25


Our male kitten "Gizmo
Hi, We were adopted before Christmas by a siamese cross kitten.  We can only guess at his age at being around 6-8 weeks at that time. We live in Spain and the Spanish often dump their unwanted dogs, pups and kittens in our area as they know the Brits are animal lovers and will take them in!
The vets here won't neuter them until they are at least 5 months old, and we're making arrangements to have him neutered next week.
The thing is that he's suddenly started staying out longer and longer.  He's always come and gone as he pleased.  We have a cat flap, and he's often stayed out all night right from when he first turned up.  But now he's staying out more and more, usually during the day, only turning up last thing at night, staying in all night and going out again the next morning.  If he does turn up during the day, he has a drink, a quick meal from his bowl (he's on dry food which stays down all day and he takes what he wants when he's ready, but has never been greedy with it) and goes out again.
He doesn't play any more either.  His toys are gathering dust.  If we try to play with him, he just sniffs at the toy, then walks away.
He won't have anything to do with my husband at all any more.  He used to sit or lay with him, wash him and play with him, and for no apparent reason, isn't interested in him any more and totally ignores him.
Has he gone off us or could it be that it's just that he's coming into maturity and when he's been neutered he'll settle down again?
Your input would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks


What a beautiful cat!

I would say that he is responding to females in heat and his new behavior is 'hormonal'. He should settle down after he is neutered and go back to being a playful and loving pet. Be aware though, that is does take about 30 days for the testosterone to leave his body.

That's strange that the vets don't fix a cat until 5 months! I just had 2 kittens neutered at 10 1/2 weeks here!
