Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > pooping in kids sandbox

pooping in kids sandbox

20 13:54:16

is there something i can put in my kids sandbox that will keep our cat from
wanting to use it. should i make her an outdoor litterbox? the sandbox is 20 feet
x 5 feet, i can't really cover it up.


Cats LOVE sand to use as a litterbox and it is their natural instinct to use it. About the only thing you can do is tarp it when the kids aren't' using it. Get a couple of 10x10's and use some large rocks to hold down the edges, or some long boards, so the cats can't get in it or under the tarps. You can also use chicken wire or stiff window screening on top of the sand so the cats can't dig.

There are things you can add to the sand as a cat deterrent but it would be offensive to the children, and with the large size it wouldn't be feasible.
