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kitten pooping on bed

20 13:52:48

I just rescued a kitten a week and a half ago. He was infested with fleas and underweight. I have been giving him baths and feeding him a special high fat diet recommended by the vet.  The vet and I believe he was a feral. He is approximately 5 weeks old. I had to isolate him initially but frequently went in the room to care for him.  He is skittish and hides most of the time however will purr and let you pet him when you pick him up.  I have another rescued kitten approximately 10 weeks old that he has started playing with.  My problem is that a couple of days ago he started sleeping with me in my bed and has pooped on the bed next to me approximately 3 nights in a row.  The litter box is in my bedroom and is cleaned almost immediately after anyone uses it.  The kitten uses this box throughout the day with no accidents. I have washed all the linen and went as far as flipping the mattress and changing the linens entirely to a new set, including the comforter.  I would hate to have to banish him from my bedroom where the other kitten sleeps as I know they like to sleep together.  What could the problem be?? How can I correct it while still socializing him? I rescue kittens all the time and have never encounter this problem.


Is there a night light in the bedroom? Little kittens do not go far to use the litterbox and for some reason the kitten may be afraid to jump off the bed in the dark and look for the litterbox. I would try having a night light and see if that helps his 'accidents'.

You may want to get a big dog crate that will fit a small litterbox and keep both kittens in it at night next to your bed. That will help him get used to using a litterbox at night.

For further, and future, reference on feral behavior here is a link that has a GOOD 4-part article on ferals that should be of help to you.
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar)
