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Cat Infrequency

20 13:56:44

My girlfriend recently adopted a cat who knew how to use the little box.  However, the cat seems to choose when she wants to use it, or go on the carpet.  Some days she'll use the box, and others she will not.  The litter box is kept very clean and shes the only cat in the apartment.  The box is also located in a secluded area where she wont be bothered and theres no loud noises or anything like that and she always has access to it.  Any idea why she only sometimes uses the litter box?  And how can we correctly teach her to not go on the carpet and to always use her litter box?


The most common reason for behavior like that is a urinary tract infection or urinary crystals. It is painful when they pee and they associate that pain with the litterbox and go elsewhere. I would consider having her checked by a vet so she can get medication for it if that is the problem.

I would also try moving the litterbox closer to where she is peeing on the carpet. She may not be able to hold it too well and can't make it to the litterbox, especially if she has an infection.

Is she spayed? Cats in heat exhibit that behavior also.

I am including some  links to good articles about improper elimination that you may find helpful:
(copy and paste or type the whole links into your address bar)

I hope this helps
