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Ive moved and want to let my in/outdoor cat become an in/outdoor cat again

20 13:55:17

I moved in with my parents about three weeks ago. My cat is almost three and was an indoor/outdoor cat previously (he spent his days roaming freely inside/outside and  always came in at night). He loves to be outdoors and we personally think it'd be cruel to keep him in. However, he is full of it and becoming a terror with my parents possessions. My father is threatening to have him declared, which I am totally against. I would like to reintroduce him to his new outdoor environment but there is no good advice available on the Internet on how or when to do this. The only advice is to keep your cat indoors but this is not a viable option for him and probably for many other cat-owners out there. I have always grown up with indoor/outdoor cats but have never experienced moving with one. Also, one of side roads to my parents house is much busier than what he is accustomed too, is there a way to train him to stear clear of this road?


Cats love to go outside! If you want to let the cat out, let him go exploring BEFORE he is fed. Hunger keeps a cat close to home.

I would hold him and walk around the yard area a few times without letting him down, letting him look around. Then I would take him out and set him down, but sit with him and let him explore. It will make him feel secure knowing you are there. Do that 2 or 3 times for short periods.

Leave the door cracked open and let the cat venture out as he feels comfortable. Leaving the door cracked open gives the cat a chance to run back in to safety if there is something 'scary' out there. The cat needs to put his scents around the area so he knows that is where home is. He will do that by rubbing on things. Cats have good radar about where they live. Just watch for dogs or stray cats that could chase him. Don't let him go out at night. That is the most dangerous time for an animal to be outside.

I would also collar train him (breakway kind only) and tape your address or phone number on it in case he DOES get lost, especially if he runs from a dog.

Is there room to park a car on the side street? You may want to have someone sit in the car and if the cat goes in the direction of the street, rev up the car to scare the cat back to the house. Most cats are pretty aware of cars. Unfortunately when you have pets, especially outdoor ones, sometimes accidents happen. But keeping a cat locked indoors doesn't always prevent something happening either.

Going outside is healthy because cats get Vitamin D from the sun, plus it satisfies the 'hunter instinct' that cats have....even if it's just a leaf they stalk. My cats wouldn't be happy if they couldn't be indoor/outdoor cats!
