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kitty scared of litter box

20 13:55:16

i just adopted a 5week old kitten and she is afraid of her litter box she wont go near it and claws when i try and put her in i dont know what to do to get her not to be afraid of it any suggestions??


A 5 week old kitten is really too young to take from the mom. A kitten should be with it's mother until 8 weeks, and preferably until 12 weeks. From 8 to 12 weeks is when the mother teaches the baby about life, including using the litter box.

Also when you get a kitten, you should always get 2 for company and companionship, especially if they are young. They learn from each other, play kitty games that humans can't, and provide comfort for each and security for each other. A single kitten weaned too early can have emotional problems later on.

Do NOT force the kitten. That will only make her more afraid of it and it may be permanent! She has no idea what it is for. Try putting some sand on some newspaper. She instinctively should use it. Put whatever elimination you can get from her into the litter box. She will get the idea when she gets older. Use a little low sided or shallow container and put it near where she sleeps. Or put her in a large carrier or cage with a bed and litter box. She will get the idea. I wouldn't recommend it because it is scary to a little one, but you can lock her in a bathroom with a litter box for quite a while until she goes.

A lot of times a kitten will try to eat it so do not use clumping litter. As you know, it swells and globs up when it gets wet, and it will do the same in a kittens intestines and it can cause a fatal blockage. Use clay litter at first.

Be patient with her. She is just a baby. She will learn IF you don't make her afraid of it.

I hope this helps.
