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Male cats mounting each other

20 13:56:18

This is a strange one.  I foster cats and all my male cats are fixed but two of the males have been attempting to mount a third one.  I know that this can be a dominance thing but it seemed strange that he was the only one they were doing this to.  He was born with some deformities including deformed front paws and tail and is considerably smaller than the other cats.  It occurred to me the other day that when he is walking away from me his deformed tail, which makes an immediate 90 degree turn from his body to start, he looks just like a female in heat!  Could the other males be seeing this and think he's a female in heat?  I wouldn't think so but I can't think of any other reason for their behavior with this one cat.  Thanks for your answer.


Cats go by smell and not by sight. You don't say how old your cats are, but some cats at about 3 years old will begin to react to the smell of a female in heat in the neighborhood even though they are neutered. A cat can smell a female from a block away, even indoor cats. Some cats will hump stuffed animals, their owner's legs, and as you cats are doing, another animal in the household. They will stop when there are no more females in heat.

When their behavior occurs try to get their mind on something else, like food or play. A pet laser light is good in that situation. Cats can't resist chasing the little red 'bug' on the walls, ceilings, and floors. You can get them at Petco, PetSmart, etc.

I hope this helps.