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Cat urination in our bed

20 14:06:57

Hi there. We got our kitten (Cypraea) in April form the SPCA. We successfully introduced her to our other cat - skittles. When we went away for a week in July, my mum got her to use soil outside in the garden. all seemed to be well, and then we went back to my mum's to house sit for a week and still all was well until our return to our flat. She now has taken to weeing in our bed. It is not to say that she has no access to outside, our door is always open. She will even try to do it while we are there. She is neutered and has a clean bill of health. If I take her downstairs to the garden, she will go there if I wait till she goes to wee. the rest of the time she tries to love us like nothing has happened. Please help, what do I do?

Hello Janita,

It is common for a cat to behave this way when there has been a change in their routine or when they are 'mad' at their owners.  It sounds completely rediculous but it happens far too often for it to be!  It is however unusual for them to do it right in front of you, this will make things easier for you though.  When you catch her in the act a firm NO! immediately put her in her litter box in a bathroom for a time out.  The other thing you can do is get some Cat attract litter, it is guaranteed to work.

If she continues to pee on your bed you will need to go back to litterbox training 101 which I have described in detail several times on this site, please browse through my previous answers to find it.  It is the only way I have ever successfully retrained cats who were problem eliminator's.

Good Luck,

Chenza Maine Coons,