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20 14:05:04

Can I resocialize a 15 mo old cat?  I got a 5 wk kitten, abandoned by her mother.  She was in a wire kennel where she slept, drank and pooped.  She was hand-fed, so I had to wean her and litter box train her.  My older cat refused to have anything to do with her, but the dogs adored her, so they adopted her.  She is a timid cat, partially feral, rarely meows, shows little affection to humans, but is desperate for a cat friend.  I just got a new stray, about the same age.  My other cat has a look of longing on her face and wants badly to like the new cat, but is too scared.  I call her my "crack baby" because she acts like she hasn't bonded with anybody.  The only time she's sweet and loving it at night when she sleeps in our bed.  I really feel that there's a loving cat hiding inside and is too scared to come out, but I don't know how to help her.  Any advice?


Cats that are feral or from feral mothers are not like regular domesticated housecats and you cannot expect them to behave in the same way. Feral cats and kittens carry alot of hereditary baggage. Especially instinctively not completely trusting humans. They also take a LONG time to adjust. It takes a LOT of patience with them too. Just let your 'crack baby' take things at her own pace. She will get better as she gets more courageous and trusting.

The ferals are usually one-person cats. And they more than likely  will never become cuddly cats. They will love to be next to you, and love to be petted, but will not like being held or restrained. I think it flashes back to the wild when being restrained meant being trapped.

I have 4 kittens from a true feral mom that are a year old. I've had them since birth. All are loving and playful but 1 is VERY skittish and will run if she hears ANY noise, 2 will sit on my lap contentedly, and NONE will let me hold them to cuddle them. They immediately squirm away. I just accept that they don't like it and don't force the issue.

Don't ever stare at them directly in the eyes. That is a threatening gesture to them. Look them in the eye then slowly blink or look away. That tells them them you are a friend and not foe. And if you notice, they will probably do it back if they are relaxed. The cats may stare at you, but it is because they are intently watching everything you do and absorbing it. The skittish one will probably watch everything you do with the kitten.

A great ice-breaker with your cats would be to get a pet laser light (at PetSmart, etc.). It builds their confidence and the 3 of you can play interactively which is good for bonding. And having the hunting instinct, they LOVE to chase the little 'red bug' on the floors, ceilings, and walls. Also get them some little stuffed furry mice that you can throw and they can 'chase' and bat around.

Another thing that will make you more indearing to them is to give them a raw beef rib periodically for a treat. I have the butcher at the supermarket cut them in half for me. It satisfies the sense of a 'fresh kill', and the fibers in the meat cleans their teeth. Not all cats like them, but most do. And they may growl if you come near their 'catch' to protect it...which is cute.

I hope this helps some. If you have more questions, feel free to write anytime.
