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Cat hisses at my son

20 13:56:22

My cat is 6 yrs old. I had a son 20 months ago. At first my cat didn't seem to mind or pay attention to my son but now that my son is older he does nothing but hiss at him. maybe because he is more mobile and vocal. thats when it started getting worse. My cat is use to changes in his environment since my husband and I have moved 3 time since we have had the cat. The first time when my husband and I moved in together I brought my cat and my husband had a dog. He got use to the dog in 2 days but he doesn't seem to be getting use to my son. I have tried everything. I've tried feeding my cat with my son there, having me and my son giving him treats, quirting with water but that killed me to do to him. The only thing I haven't done was bring him to the vet but he just had his check-up not too long ago, he was healthy and I was trying all the other tricks in the book before I went to the vet for this problem. My cat doesn't hiss at him when I am there. it's just when he is by himself. I have even tried having my son play with my cat with the cats toy. sometimes he is ok others he is not. He doesn't even let my son come by him. If my son comes in the room the cat runs. The cat is fine if I have my son in his high chair, he will come in the room and walk around, even go and smell my sons feet and rub on his high chair. It's getting to the point where I am about to get rid of my cat but it would kill me if I had to do that. He is my baby too. Well if there are any other suggestions that can help please let me hear them... I will do anything to make this work.


At 6 your cat is approximately 40 years old in human years. When they get older, they resent change more than a younger cat. He probably doesn't like the smell of your son, or his quick movements.

I would have your son totally ignore the cat. The cat will come around when he is ready and learns to trust this 'new creature' in 'his' home.

HIssing is the cat's was of communicating 'back off, leave me alone". The cat is afraid of your son when he is on the move. Don't try to force your son on the cat. That will make it harder for the cat to learn to get along and trust your son.

Be patient, respect the cat's wishes not to interact with your son, and let the cat gradually accept him. He will, but it will take some time.
