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Moving house

20 13:55:23

I have just recently moved house with my two cats: Paddy is a three year old neutered male and Nelly is almost two and a spayed female.They are normally two very laid back and friendly cats but its bothering me that,thus far,Paddy has coped very well with the house and for the most part is very relaxed and even more sociable than normal.Nelly on the other hand is a bag of nerves.She tries to hide at every noise,is avoiding human company and is trembling almost constantly.Yesterday she even tried to escape up the chimney of the open fire when there was a fire lit! My heart is broken watching her be so upset and I'd love to know how to help her adjust?Any advice you can give I would appreciate


More than likely Nelly is stressed by the move. Everything is different with new smells, new sounds, new routine, etc. Nothing is familiar.

You should put her in a room with a litterbox, food, and water for a few days up to 2 weeks until she can acclimate to the move. Keep some of her familiar toys, blankets, etc. with her. Periodically put Paddy in with her too. Getting a kitty perch would also help her look out the window and see the new sights. Let her explore the house gradually, one room at the time, until slowly you familiarize her with the whole house. Turning her loose in a big new house all at once is too overwhelming for some cats.

If her behavior continues to be bizarre then you can speak to your vet about putting her on 'kitty Prozac' for short term, usually about 2 weeks. It is very popular for calming stressed cats and cats with emotional issues.

She should settle down once she learns that the new house is home. Be patient with her and give her lots of kitty treats! Don't force her. Let her come out as she feels comfortable and safe.