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cat burrowing/snuggling

20 13:59:13

my cat sometimes snuggles and burrows her head into my underarm or into my chest.  she is not usually this affectionate.  why does she do this?  thanks so much for your assistance


One reason is she may be asking you for something, and that is her way of doing it. She may want to eat, go outside, etc. A couple of my cats do it too only when they want something.

She may also be asking for some affection. You should always give your cat 10 minutes of play and attention a day.

If your cat is not spayed, she may be in heat. That will cause them to be affectionate when they usually aren't.


Edit: I'm sorry about your accident. Yes, cats do sense when something is wrong. She is probably offering you comfort and reassurance. I hope you are on the way to a complete recovery.