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introducing new cats

20 13:55:23

ok I have a 5month old female kitten not yet fixed and found a stray male kitten guessing 7month old and the male seems fine he is calm and at times seems to be trying to engage but also sits and waits or lays down the 5month old female hisses and growls non stop she hides he stalks her but just sits and waits actually meowing friendly. Will she get over it or is it because they aren't fixed not sure if I should keep the stray but the female 5month kitten has up unitll this point needed a playmate she is biting a lot and seems bored because I work a lot. She never claws but before today bites too hard trying to play. Should I give up or let them do there thing?


I recommend getting them both fixed as soon as possible. They are at the age where she can be in heat and he is starting to be a tomcat.
Spaying and neutering solves a LOT of behavior problems.

Kittens need another kitten or cat for companionship and comfort when they are alone. They also need another cat to play kitty games with and snuggle with. It is better to have two cats than one.

It takes a while for the introduction and get acquainted period, but if you get them both fixed you should have two nice cats which are good companions for each other once they get used to each other.
