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cat scratching at night

20 13:53:06

My 7 year old male tabby has slept with me for several years and was content to lie by my side and not bother me until time to get up.  Now his behaviour has turned agreesive.  He tries to get me up super early, 3AM (to feed him I think) and also has taken to clawing at my head and face.  I am now trying to keep him in another room (for my sleep and safety).  He doesn't bother my husband, only me.  What to do to break this behaviour.  Another note, my husband and I have been traveling some so that has been a break in his routine.


Cats do not like their routine messed with and they do NOT like their owners traveling and leaving them alone, or with someone else, so some of his behavior is more than likely 'punishment' for you (even though cats do not have any real concept of revenge).

He is trying to get attention from you, probably because he is feeling insecure, and if a behavior (good or bad) got your attention once, then he will continue doing it. Do not punish the cat.  He is only trying to get your attention and tell you his wants the only way he knows how. Also, as cats get older their dietary needs change. Your cat may be experiencing hunger pangs in the middle of the night and is trying to tell you that by his behavior. If you don't already, leaving a bowl of good quality dry cat food (cheaper brands have too many fillers which do not satisfy the cat's hunger) available all the time helps when the cat gets the munchies so he doesn't need to wake you up to eat.

Play with him right before you go to bed. A pet laser light is an excellent interactive toy (you can get them at PetSmart, Petco, etc.)  A good play session before bedtime will tire him out, which is essential for a good nights sleep for you both! Then give him a can of catfood  after you play with him, just before you go to bed. That way he will have a full tummy, be tired from playing, and will sleep longer (hopefully!).

Give him lots of attention and kitty treats...when you are awake. If you are sure that he is not doing it for a specific reason such as hunger, if you are giving him attention during the day, and it's not a medical issue causing him to behave that way, then you need to put a stop to his behavior before it gets to be a habit. To do that, you need to COMPLETELY ignore the cat when he starts trying to get your attention. Don't acknowledge him at matter what he does or how long he does it. No verbal or physical acknowledgment at all. EVENTUALLY the cat will stop doing it if he's not getting any attention from it because that is the sole purpose of his actions. You HAVE to be consistent! If you respond to him even once it won't work any more and the habit will continue, even worse than before, because he has found that if he continues long enough EVENTUALLY you will give in to his attention getting.

I would suggest keeping his claws trimmed too for your nighttime safety. Here is a website that shows with photos how to trim a cat's claws:(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into the address bar)
