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Introducing an Older Cat to 2 grown Hound Dogs

20 13:55:52


Can this princess shar
Dear Tabbi,

My boyfriend and I am talking about moving together into his house, but we are not sure how to introduce our pets.  I have a 9 1/2 year old cat.  She and I have lived alone in an apartment for about 2 1/2 years now and her whole life before that she lived with my parents.  She has been moved around a lot in her life and adjusts well enough for a cat.  At one point my parents even had a dog.  She didn't like it, but she got used to it.  My boyfriend has two Basset Hounds (ages 3 and 4).  They are good dogs who love to play and run around.  They get along fairly well with each other (when they are not 'arguing' over toys) and get along with my boyfriends' mothers' dogs as well.  To my knowledge they have no exposure to cats.  
What can we do to make this transition easier for both my sweet girl and his darling boys!

Thank you so much,



dog crate for cats

Your Princess is very pretty! And she is a Calico! That MAY be a prescription for disaster with the dogs! They are VERY territorial and are basically a one-person cat. They also have a tendency to go after dogs! She is approximately 56 years old in human years and older cats do not take stress and change as well as a younger cat. It can affect her personality and her health.

It will also be stressful for her to adjust to a new home, a new person around, and new routines. If you move there I would keep her in one room with food, water, and a litterbox for a week or two to let her acclimate first before introducing her to the dogs.

With any face-to-face meetings at the beginning, keep the dogs on a leash, especially until you know how they are going to react. Don't EVER let them rush at the cat! Make sure the cat has high places where she can go to get away from the dogs if she feels she needs to. Keep the cat's claws trimmed also. Feed both treats together so they associate each other with something pleasant. Rub one towel on each animal so they recognize the scent of the other, and exchange sleeping blanket, etc. for the same reason. Give your cat free time in the dog's area while confining the dogs. This switch provides another way for the cat to experience the dog's scent without a face-to-face meeting.

Here are a couple of articles on cat and dog introductions to read also that you may find helpful:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole links into your address bar)

Don't ever leave the cat and dogs alone together until you are SURE there will not be any problems!

I use a large dog crate (48x32x30) that I got at Petco for introductions. There is enough room for everything in it and everyone is safe. For introductions or in a new environment I use a small carrier with the door off inside for the cat to hide in and where it can feel safe. I am attaching a picture of mine (being used for a nursery!).

I would start taking her over to your boyfriends house for short periods of time. Keep her in a large cage and let her gradually get used to the dogs being around....safely, both for her and for the dogs. That way you can start getting an idea how the cat and the dog will react to each other. One good thing is that bassets are calmer dogs than some so that will be a plus.

Sometimes it takes months for dogs and cats to get used to each other. They are aliens to each other and it takes time and patience for trust on both sides to develop. Take it slow. Try to show the cat that the dogs are a friend, not foe. Sit with all of them and pet them together so the cat can learn the dog is not her enemy and vice-versa. And it takes a lot of PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING!

I hope everything works out fine!
