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Sudden Change in Behavior

20 13:57:52

Dear Tabbi,

I have two cats my wife rescued when they were kittens about 6 years ago. One is a Tuxedo? (not sure if that is a proper name for the breed) She is normally very friendly, good with my kids, very playful, and never fails to let me know it is time to eat. Just the other day, she has become very cautious around the house. She is sniffing and looking around like she is trying to find something. If she hears an unexpected sound or you make a sudden move, she jumps in the air. (funny at first but not really) She has traditionally been a very good hunter. If a bug is in the house, she will find it. I have to kill it, but she will identify the intruder. She has even found scorpions. (we have not had one in almost 2 years but we do get a lot of spiders outside) We had the exterior of the house sprayed for bugs, but not inside. Maybe something made its way in the house and spooked her? But normally she is more of a search and destroy cat and does not back down. She is not interested in playing, she does not do her normal reminder for food, and is walking in egg shells. What can I do to help her?


A tuxedo is a color combination and not a breed. It is usually what a black and white cat with a white chest and white feet is called.

It sounds as if something may have fallen near your cat and startled her, and she is spooky that it may happen again. Give her time to get her sense of security back and she should be fine.
