Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Scared


20 14:05:37

everytime if my cat is around someone running around or acting crazy he'll run and hide I'd pick him up and he curves up into like a ball. He only does it if someone scares him or if the dog is running around the house or even anyone. He was never abused, I had him since he was born. Why does he always get so scared? But he is the sweetest cat ever! I love him :)


It is probably just your cat's personality. He may have inherited a spooky gene from one of his parents or grandparents. They are like people. Some people are outgoing and some are shy. Some people are brave and other play it safe. Each cat has his own personality and temperment, even from the same litter.

It is also possible that when you weren't around one time the dog may have been running around and accidently ran over or into your cat and scared him so he hides now when the dog runs around so it doesn't happen again.
